WebCenter Sites: Change the password’s users for Community&Gadgets

After change the password of fwadmin or SatelliteServer users in a WebCenter Sites installation with Community&Gadgets, you should change the password in “setup_cs.properties”,as Community&Gadget uses the password from this file to connect with WebCenter Sites.

Other wise you will face the next error:
[ERROR] [.kernel.Default (self-tuning)’] [sso.cas.filter.CASFilter] Multi ticket multi-ST-13-vhSxPNfUiqRYVNDvwkSw-cas–1 is either invalid or already expired.

From the WebCenter Sites console in the panel Community and in the panel Gadget you will see ” Starging application”.

Fix the issue:

Fix passwords in the files “setup_cs.properties” in both “management” and “production”

Property files are located in the /deploy/management/management_node1 and /deploy/production/production_node1 directory or in the directory that was created for your management Community-Gadgets during its installation.

Find the password in the file, you will find the properties for fwadmin and Satellite user

For fwadmin
# Default is “fwadmin”

# Password of the above user

The password should be edited with a proper editor, but not all the WCS version comes with the propereditor for edit this password, as it is not the same propereditor that you can use in WCS. So another option is to copy encripted password from another file, for example, for fwadmin, you can copy the encripted password from futuretense_xcel.ini file, in the property xcelerate.batchpass=”password” and paste, in this file, the “setup_cs.properties”.

Remember, there are two septu_cs.properties files, one from /deploy/management/management_node1 and the other /deploy/production/production_node1……….In both there are references for fwadmin and Satellite user to MGMT and DLVR.