WebCenter Sites: Unlock database users

One of the users of the installation of Webcenter sites can be locked, for some reason like too many times trying to connect with a bad password or just because the password expired.
So we are going to see how to unlock an user with some simple steps.
We will use sqldeveloper, it will make easier for us.

  • Create a connection with the database as an Administrator of the database.
    • If you do not know the password of the user system in order to access to the database as administrator but you have access directly as sysdba through the console you can add a new password for the user system.






  • Now that the access to the database has been created as user with administrator privilege, we will find the locked user, edit and unlock the user.



  • Uncheck the option (“Account is Locked”) to unlock the user.








Now you can continous working with your webcenter sites.